Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Oral Film History Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oral Film History Report - Essay Example 8. Did you read any film magazines (which ones?) or write fan letters? 9. Is there anything special that they think you should know about the movies before 1990? 10. How did film-going differ then compared to now? Oral History Essay Few days ago I interviewed my friend’s mother Ms. Emma, who was born in 1967, and she has just celebrated her 46th birthday on May 30th 2013. Ms Emma is a very fun loving person. She was born in Chicago and had a fun filled childhood with her family and friends in her growing age. Now she stays in Manhattan with her husband and children. Ms. Emma tells about how she spent her teenage phase when going to movie was really fun and full of enjoyment. It was a pleasure to hear her become nostalgic about her teens and talk about how movies played a significant role during her young years. When I asked about her favorite film or actor that marked her adolescence, Ms. Emma replied that she loved this movie called â€Å"The Breakfast Club†. It has ma de a great impact during her adolescence period because this movie was all about five high school students from different origin and about their evolving friendship. The movie depicted friends who met in Chicago; all the occasions in it were just like the real incidents happening in Chicago at that time. She said that as on a growing up teenager this type of movies related to school and friends made a realistic effect on her life. Another movie she loved to watch that time was â€Å"High School† though it was little old one but she liked it a lot. She explained that this was documentary film by director Fredrick Wiseman that showed some cases from the usual days in Northeast High School, their teachers and students relationship. While growing up she watched this movie several times as it used to come on television and during that tender age it manifested her thoughts deeply. Ms. Emma while explaining all these seemed very happy and was thoroughly enjoying the conversation. Yo ung girls often have infatuation or an attraction towards, so I was eager to know if she had any such experience regarding any of the teen actors or actor of her age at that time. When I asked about her crush on any teen actor, she said actually she liked most of the movie actors which she watched and did not have crush on any particular teen actor. The main movie theaters were on the Division Street Road. Ms. Emma said when she was in her teens, she and her friends used to watch the movies in the morning shows because the ticket price cost less than evening and night shows at that time. Division Street Road where the theaters were located was in the downtown which was around 2hrs journey from Ms. Emma’s house. So if Ms. Emma and her friends wanted to watch a movie they need to make prior arrangements for that. They have things to eat and drink. Ms. Emma said sometimes they had group of friends and families who went for movies together. Going for movie was like a day outing f or them and they had lots of fun. I was curious to know if she watched movies just for fun or did she have a choice for any specific genre. I was interested to know whether she was interested more in thriller or horror or romantic comedies as the choice of genre sometimes determines a person’s nature and overall interests. So when I asked about her favorite genre, director or stars she was very excited and without any second thought she replied that she had a huge crush on Tom Hanks. Ms. Emma said Tom Hanks is among the highest paid all time box office star. I

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Analytic source review and evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analytic source review and evaluation - Essay Example The methodical studies conducted over the last decades regarding the addiction of drugs among the young people, revealed that after a certain period an individual cannot afford the price and gradually gets involved in criminal activities to increase their affordability. In majority instances, such consequences were found to be led by the negligence of parents, guardians or the other members of the society towards the young people. These activities not only hinder the healthy growth of the society, but also restrict social progress in terms of economic divergences, education prospects and governance systems. The objective of the paper will thereby be focused on analysing and evaluating the criminal activities associated with illegal drugs as well as sexual assaults in the modern day context. Discussion Illicit Drugs Illicit drugs habit is often regarded as the major cause of interpersonal violence as well as public health challenges in the modern society. With this concern, the Nation al Drug Intelligence Centre (NDIC) along with many other non-profit organizations have taken initiative and organized a yearly National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) that tends to assess the impact of threats related to illicit drug related crimes on the society as well as on the nation at large. Recent reports in this regard revealed that the total cost incurred in relation to illicit drug use was approximated in excess of $193 billion in the year 2007. The cost was estimated focusing on three major principal areas i.e. crime, health and aggregate productivity of the state or region. The component of crime cost is fundamentally based on three major factors that include criminal justice system costs, crime victim costs as well as other crime costs. In addition, health related issues and costs include four major components i.e. emergency departmental costs in the hospitals for homicide and non-homicide cases, speciality treatment and medicine costs, insurance administration costs and other health related costs. Nonetheless, the productivity costs and issues are also associated with some direct and indirect components such as labour participation costs, pre-mature mortality costs and the costs incurred due to harm of education as well as lack of societal growth (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011). When considering the global trend, people addicted by illegal drugs and related crimes in England and Wales were reported to constitute around three million adults in the year 2011-2012. This proportionate was further affirmed to account for around 8.9% of the total population in England. Another significant attribute of the trend exhibited that in majority cases, the offenders were young where minors aged 16 years to old aged people of 59 years were also identified involved in such crimes (The Independent, 2012). According to the research study of Payne-James & et. al. (2005), it was found that the drug addiction is especially notices among the unemployed persons. Cons equentially, 80% drug habituates have been reported to be spending their life suffering from several mental as well as physical health issues. At the onset, mental and financial problems can be identified as the main causes of such offences which might be caused due to social complexities or monetary troubles often faced by young generation people (Payne-James & et. al., 2005). Besides, as exhibited by Payne-James & et.